I know this is my professional photo blog, and here I keep posting mere snapshots of babies. Cyrus is so cute though. If the snapshots bore you then feel free to pass them by because I like posting about him :>)

I always laugh because his little body is so long. I know it’s pretty normal, but it’s funny in a cute way. It’s like babies have a long tube with a head on top and legs on the bottom. My joke is that an angel came to God and says. “We ran out of normal baby tubes, and we need one for the Seim baby. Shall we use those really long ones?

I decided I needed a caricature to illustrate my point so I took a picture of him and stretched it a little in Photoshop. THIS IS LONGTUBE!

Note. He’s not actually this long.

Longtube Seim

Yep he’s in for it having a dad who’s a photographer…

Here’s a more normal one from a recent trip to my Aunt & Uncles house. That’s my cousin Robert holding Cyrus, and by the looks of it their both going crazy.


Robert Hart, Cyrus Seim