High Scool Senior Portrait High Key Girl

It’s time to start thinking about senior portraits for our class of 2009. If you want unique images that are different from other senior pictures you found the right place. Another year is already speeding by, and the weather is going to be amazing soon. This year we have revised options and prices to give seniors and parents even more choices.

Brand new this year is our 49.00 Senior Session. For just 49.00 you get a compete session, and then you but only the images and senior products you want. There no obligation, and if you don’t like them you don’t have to buy a thing. We’re that confident that you’ll love them!

You can get also our tradition all inclusive senior packages that come with Seim Disks. These are a real value because aside from the other great items in the package you can use the disk to make your own high quality prints and save a bundle on your senior pictures.

Want a double, or triple session with friends. We can do that too, and even have discounts for it. Just contact Gavin for more info.