OH, so many projects, so little time.

Many of your know that aside from being a photographer, one of my hobbies is being a square dance caller and a ventriloquist. Now if your thinking… “yaaawn” square dancing, let me say that square dancing does not have to be slow and for squares. In fact if you ever dance to my calling you might just find me down right energetic. Plus with my ventriloquism thrown in it’s gets quite a bit of variety.

So my official Square Dance Calling site was thevcaller.com, it’s really old though and I plan to take that deisgn down soon. The calling pages here are the first step in building my new calling site. My calling will have it’s own site at squaredancecaller.net eventually, but for now I’ll keep it here since this is the portal for all Seim Studios projects anyways.

The main calling page is here. Though you should be seeing the calling menu above as well… Gav